Our Fees - 2025

Application fee: New learners – R850 (once-off)

Administration fee: All learners – R1680 (annually)


Enrolment fee R 7 000

  1. Enrolment fee is refundable only if the child leaves during the 3-month probation.
  2. Enrolment fee is increased when child moves from Grade R to Grade 1.
  3. To secure your child’s space in his/her class, the enrolment fee needs to be paid as soon as possible.
  4. No child may be admitted to The Kindergarten unless the enrolment fee has been paid in full.


School Fees


3 Months – Grade R (06:00 – 14:00)Half DayR4 420R53 040
3 Months – Grade R (06:30 – 17:00)Full DayR4 800R57 600


Transport Fees (available to children from 3 years old)


FirstR1 885R22 620
SecondR1 675R20 100
ThirdR1 465R17 580


Sibling discount

10% for second child on tuition only (applicable only if second child is 3 years or older)
15% for third and subsequent children on tuition only (applicable only if third child is 3 years or older)

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